Would an interactive primary and secondary guest speaker EDUTAIN your students?
Could retaining vital information better or handling life’s pressures more positively, assist your school pupils in achieving better grades?
The “Wellbeing Motivator”, Courtney Orange, is a former 6x gymnastics champion, Commonwealth Games competitor, street performer and an award-winning entertainment agency owner. He has inspired 200,000+ individuals along their wellbeing journey’s.

Wellbeing & Self awareness
Courtney is a wellbeing advocate, from the mental to the physical aspect. Through his speeches and FREE video tutorials, Courtney offers, GOLDEN motivational wellbeing takeaways, that can be implemented into students daily lives. All of this, through simple easy to follow methods.
By encouraging a healthy mind-style, lifestyle and play-style, through positive habits and routines, students will walk away with some scientifically proven strategies, that would enable them to be more, PRODUCTIVE, AWARE, FOCUSED and above all have a more POSITIVE outlook on life.

Key Elements to Courtney’s Speech
Becoming more adaptable to CHANGE’s and learning how to turn negative and STRESSFUL situations, into POSITIVE progressive experiences. This is just one of the elements that are included in Courtney’s take away tools, which he delivers in his speeches.

Courtney’s street performing background and working as a children’s entertainer for several years, has given him a unique ability to connect with the youth and present messages that students can relate in a HIGHLY entertaining way.
Primary and secondary guest speaker Talk TOPICS
“Strengthening YOUR Mental & physical WELLBEING”
“The ART of POSITIVE exam preparation with self-awareness”
“Mastering a GREATER self-esteem as a Gen Z & Gen Alpha”
These are just a some of the topics that Courtney delivers to primary and secondary schools.

If there is a certain topic that you would like covered from within the (PSHE) – Personal, Social, Health and Economic curriculum. Courtney can curate and deliver content according to your request as a school, or according to specific needs of classes within the school.
Interactive Keynote Speeches
Courtney is a highly recognised school speaker. This is what some schools have said.

All reflects in Courtney’s talks, workshops and keynote speeches, that are highly interactive and engaging. Handstands, breakdance moves and challenges for students and teachers, are some of the surprises that come with Courtney’s speech deliveries. So be prepared to be EDUTAINED!!!

Should you wish to find out more about Courtney Orange as a primary and secondary school guest speaker, please send through an email to info@courtneyorange.com
Or call on 07818 226 993
You can find Courtney on all social handles @courtney_orange_