What is The PRP Motivation Masterclass – (Positive – Resilience – Productivity)??
If you are a company owner, team manager or department leader and feel that your team has struggled with being motivated in 2023, which has resulted in TARGETS not being met and tasks not being accomplished???
Your team might need some help, guidance and simple INSPIRATIONAL advice from a former 6x National Gymnastics Champion.
Your team and individuals will leave Courtney Orange’s PRP Motivation Master Class with a CHAMPION mindset on
1- Planning to achieve
2- Achieving Goals
2- Taking on any challenges
What does the The PRP Motivation Masterclass include??
There are 3 different Options to choose from:
1- The PRP Taster
Duration – A 30min session
What’s included
-An ENERGISER Activity
– Some expert tips & techniques on positive approaches towards work & life situations
– A resilient mindset & productivity TOOL Kit
2- PRP Advanced Session
Duration – A 60min session
What’s included
-An ENERGISER Activity
– Some expert tips & techniques on positive approaches towards work & life situations
– A resilient mindset & productivity TOOL Kit
– Some Interactive Team Building exercises
– Motivational Wellbeing checklist
3- The Superior PRP Workshop
Duration – A 90min session
What’s included
-An ENERGISER Activity
– Some expert tips & techniques on positive approaches towards work & life situations
– A resilient mindset & productivity TOOL Kit
– Some Interactive Team Building exercises
– Motivational Wellbeing checklist
– Peak Productivity methods for 2024
– The Positive Productivity FLOW chart implementation
The Price
50% HALF price deal for all organisations who book and confirm sessions within the month of December ‘2023
Costs range from between £395 > £795 (50% offer) = £197.50 > £397.50
All depending on the number of employees attending and what you’d like included in the sessions.
Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call or email on details below:
Email – info@courtneyorange.com
Phone – (+44) 7818 226 993